Monday, 25 January 2010

First things last

Bristols' major bus operator First are offering a wonderful free medical service to their drivers because they are such a compassionate and caring multinational. Sound too good to be true? That's because it is. They have contracted private company 'Cotswold Medical' to examine drivers and declare them fit for work when their own GP and consultants have said otherwise. This comes only months after another private medical outfit 'Active Health Partners' (AHP) lost their contract with the company because sickness absence increased. These fucking clowns advised one driver to go to A&E with an ear infection after seeing their own GP and given medication. The driver obediently waited four hours with the seriously injured at the BRI only to be spoken to into his pustulated ear by an indignant doctor to stop wasting their valuable time. He couldn't help but agree and meekly sloped off with an embarrassed glow. So concerned are First Bus UK with the welfare of their drivers that the HR department go out of their way to impoverish them when ill by stopping their statutory sick pay. The deviants only cough up when the definition of 'statutory' is explained to them. Doctors certificates and company documents have been known to magically vanish.

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